Wednesday, November 14, 2012

To Do Tuesday: Before and After Pictures

To Do Tuesday:  Before and After--From Dumping Ground to Craft Room

After five weeks of being defeated by a degenerative disc, and a hubby who barely keeps the kids and laundry clean when I'm out of commission, I decided to do something big for my first To Do Tuesday back:  a Before and After picture.

Things that needed to be done:  remove everything, assign it all to individual zones, take out things that didn't really belong (hubby's clothes go in another closet, summer clothes should be in boxes, etc...), reorganize the items that do belong, put everything back, set up my sewing table/craft area...  I may have left something out, but you'll see it all in the before and after pictures.

From his and hers closet/dumping ground, to her closet and craft room.

Here's the BEFORE:

Everything was just tossed anyplace...  It was all crazy, in there!  I don't understand how I survived, this way.

And now, (drum roll please) the after:

Now, it's a serious thing of beauty.  I am amazed at how well I did, having tonsillitis and battling a fever.  I had to work for 30-40 minutes, and rest a few minutes, then start all over.  At least I got it done!  I love my new space!  I don't really feel well enough to get in there and create, but when I do, it will be ready.

Check back tomorrow for Wordy Wednesday, when I'll post an excerpt from one of my works in progress.

In the meantime, I'd like to educate you on the dangers of the high five handshake.
Seriously, Bro, use with caution.

Latah Gatah,

Saturday, November 10, 2012

How I Shop for Groceries, on a Budget.

A friend of mine recently asked for advice on a grocery budget.  So, I decided to post on my blog about how I budget for our family.

First off, I tend to use our crock pot a great deal.  I can fill it up with all kinds of goodies, set the controls, and leave it to cook.  This not only helps with my financial budget, but it also helps with my time budget.  This is something you will need to know, when looking at my example month.  Another thing you should probably know:  I have the entire month's grocery money at the beginning of the month, so I tend to buy the majority of our food on the first trip of the month.

I plan out a week of lunches, first, and figure out how much I believe each of my family members will actually eat.  Then, I multiply that by two (we have the same thing for supper as we do for lunch).  So, if I say I want fish and chips on Friday, I know that hubby and I will each eat two pieces, and each of the boys will eat 1/2 a piece.  So, that comes to five pieces of fish.  If we eat the same for supper, and I add another fish to the final sum (maybe one of the kids is a little hungrier than normal), I get eleven fish.  There's our lunch and supper for that one day!

I go through seven days like that, and multiply by three.  Now, I need 33 pieces of fish.  We do not have to have it on Friday, but we've enough fish to cover six meals for the month, with just a little left over.  Wow!  You're probably saying that's a lotta fish!  Yes, yes it is.  Hear me out, if you are going to have that much fish, anyway, is it not better to buy it in bulk in order to get a steeper discount?

Once I've gotten lunch and supper figured out, I decide on a week of breakfasts.  Lets take eggs, example.  I want to make fried egg sandwiches for everyone, one morning.  Hubby eats two eggs and two pieces of bread, as do I.  The boys each get one egg and one piece of bread.  So, for one fried egg sandwich breakfast we need six eggs and six pieces of bread.  If every week we want to have fried egg sandwiches once a week, we'll need two cartons of eggs for that entire month.  I also know that five eggs will render six pieces of french toast, in our house, and that hubby likes a boiled egg every now and then.  So, I buy another couple of cartons of eggs half way through the month (this goes on my master list of things I usually need to refill).  I do the same with the bread, and usually add an extra loaf to the list (you can always use more bread...  Never know when someone may just feel like a sandwich).

You're also probably wondering why I only figure for three weeks on the lunches and suppers.  Well, everyone has a night where they decide to order pizza, or they eat at Grammy's, or they decide to have a ham sandwich instead of cooking the planned meal...  then there's also the left overs that may be in the refrigerator.  So, things tend to balance out.  Since most of the main dishes are frozen, if we don't get to eating those meals this month, they'll keep for next month, and I can have a smaller list then.

Again, I love my crock pot, because it sometimes renders more than two meals at the time.  We once ate the same soup (I had to add more meat and vegies to the broth, half way through the week) for a week!  I just leave my crock plugged in and turned on.  It's always hot, it's always ready, no matter when we want to eat.  We also use a rice cooker.  Again, it's always ready because I keep it filled.  If it gets empty, I fill it with new rice, and turn it on.  Rice just goes well with most of what I make in the crock pot.  There are all kinds of recipes for the crock pot.  I found one on ribs and baked potatoes.

Along with breakfast, lunch, and supper, you'll want to budget for snacks.  Fruit is going to be the least expensive snack.  We tend to use canned for the end of the month, and fresh at the beginning and middle of the month.  Grapes, strawberries, and bananas are a big hit if we're talkin' fresh fruit in our house.  Canned oranges, peaches, and pears are our go to on the last week.  Sometimes, our entire lunch or supper consists of just this huge plate of fruit that we all eat from.  Frozen is an option, if you'd like to purchase that in bulk.  Just remember that, if left in the freezer for very long, it may come out a little mushy.  Which isn't so bad, if you have vanilla ice cream and a blender, because everyone likes fruit shakes.  We also get snack cakes, and (Mommy's guilty pleasure) Reese's (the boys call them Momm's chocolate).

Now, you know what you want, and you have your list (what you want, and how much of it you'll need).  Some people use coupons, some shop around at different stores, and others buy at the warehouse stores.  I, however, am a die hard Kroger customer (they are not paying me for this blog).  I like to shop there because I earn fuel points.  In today's economy, we need all the help we can get affording gas. Another plus of shopping at the same store every time:  you'll start to learn the prices, and will be able to recognize when something is really on sale, or if it's only a few cents off from what it normally is.  Kroger also has 10 for $10, which, if I'm not careful, I'll spend $20-$30 on...  but mostly I've memorized the store.  That's an important thing, when trying to keep your grocery budget small.  You don't want to have to go down every aisle every time.  Those sales are set in specific ways to get your attention, and to make you want to buy the items.  It's their business, and they do it well!  I only go down a lane that I know there's something I need.  I also shop the outside edges first!  My mother actually shops the lanes first, but that's just craziness, people!  All the healthier foods are on the outside.  The delli, the bakery, the produce, milk, eggs, meats, and cheeses are on the outside.  Most of the outside items are must haves.  The things on the inside, while you may need them, are not always the healthiest.  Fresh veggies are healthier then canned with added salt and sugar.  I do have to have juice and cereal, which come from the inner aisles.  As well as bread and canned milk.  While going after the things I need, I don't usually stop to pick up much else, since my buggy is full of things from the outside aisles.  (Oh!  Cookies!!!  Nope.  Grapes and bananas are sweet, and they're healthier...  and already in my buggy.  So, no cookies today.  Perhaps another day.)  If you're shopping at Wal-Mart, they have lots of things you need in bulk, so you'll save money that way (again, not being paid by the store).  Another good thing about Kroger:  "race cars" (match box cars) are usually on their 10 for $10.  They make great bribes--I mean, "just because you were good" gifts, for kids that behave in the store and don't ask for every bag of chips and every box of doughnuts they see...  'cause Mommy only has so much will power.

I also keep a weekly shopping list.  Because it goes bad too quickly, I can't buy the bread we need for the entire month.  Also, we don't have enough room in our refrigerator for more than a week's worth of milk.  Things that will go bad, I figure out how much we will need for a weeks, and purchase them on my weekly shopping trip.  I try very hard not to get more than we need.  Throwing away food is like throwing away money.  When we do have left overs that are pet friendly, I give them to the pets.  Tiny Tim the Turtle gets a piece of moldy bread (not the moldy pieces), Brutus the Brother Dog gets the left overs from the kids' plates, and anything we have to pull from the refrigerator that we're not going to eat.  This is how we make the pet food stretch juuust a bit farther.

So, to review, I keep my budget as low as possible by making a meal plan for the month, from which I make a shopping list.  Then, I only get what's on the list, by not going down aisles that don't house anything I need.  I also shop the outside aisles first, because they are healthier.

The first month that you do this, I suggest saving your shopping list(s) and your receipts.  This way, you'll be able to track spending.  Also, keep a list of things that didn't get consumed that month, so you can figure out how to cut back on spending money on things that don't actually get used/left overs.  Best way to track what's not used:  When something goes empty, write it on the new list.  Compare the last month's list with the new one for this month.  He hubby is often impressed with the amount of work I actually put into the planning of the grocery list and budget, and sometimes irritated because I do take some time getting ready to go.  Which is why i usually do it the day before I plan to go to the store.

A few more tips:  buy in season, save your broth (from soups) in the freezer, make left over omelets once a week (Hmm...  a little fish, some sausage, tomatoes, green beans, chicken, rice, b-b-q sauce.....  Hubby was surprised it tasted good), and buy peanut butter and jelly in case you don't have enough for the entire month...  or you need a break from cooking.

Now it's time for a blast from the past:

Hope it was helpful!

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Skinny on Poop...

Today's topic will be Poop...  And urine.  What do we do with it, when we can't flush it?

First, I'll say that I hope you're saving up on TP.  We aren't, because I'd like to use cloth wipes for that.  Reusable, so they save money and space.  However, I'll be the one who has to face the daunting task of washing them.  Ew.  But if it hits the fan, I'll have all we need without having to worry about running out.

Moving on to where to go, and what to do with the by product when you've gone.

My family and I went camping, not long ago.  We took with us TP, and plenty of plastic shopping bags.  We lined a large old crock pot (something we'd never use for food again) with three layers of bags, placed a layer of new paper inside the bags, and that's where we went potty.  Now, we had a trash can near by to put our waste, and it would be picked up at the end of the week.  In a SHTF situation, it's not going to be that easy.

I suggest you invest in a shovel or two, and bury that poop.  If you line the bags with enough paper/dirt, you should also be able to go number one, without making too big of a mess.

Of course, you could always invest in one of those fold up port-a-pottys, chemicals included...  But a deep enough hole will be a better idea, since those chemicals will eventually run out.  You don't even need bags, if you've got a large enough bucket, and empty it two or three times daily (and clean it out, because you don't want it to stink any more than it has to).

I suggest not setting the bucket up anywhere near the general living area, or food prep area.

Once you go, you'll want to wash your hands.  Coconut oil is a great disinfectant, and can be used for cooking (at low temps).  You could also mix it with a little salt and have a good scrubby disinfectant.  I prefer soap and water, or hand sanitizer, but these things can run out, so I thought I'd offer an alternative for if/when that happens.

Along with this article, I'd also like to caution everyone:  Be sure to get clean (bathe) on a regular basis.  I know water may be scarce.  However, if we don't bathe a few times a week, at least, our clothing will eventually cause abrasions, which will cause infections.  In a SHTF situation, we'll be short on medical solutions (eventually).  It's way too important to keep yourself and your eating surfaces clean, so as to stave off infections.  If you get sick, you will not be the only one to suffer from it.  Others will have to care for you, and they may get sick, as well.

So, lets review:  Poop in a bag/bucket and bury it.  Stay clean.  Keep your eating surfaces clean.

Next time:  Entertainment for the kiddies.

And now, our moment of video joy--

Private Snafu

Over and Out,

Monday, October 1, 2012

You Never Miss A Real Good Thing...

Hello Readers!
I'd like to touch on the beginning of every day, and how we can keep it much the same if/when the world falls down around our ears...

When you wake up in the morning, your feet hit the floor and you make your bed and head to the shower.  You dry off, dress, and head to the kitchen for breakfast...  what if running water were a thing of the past, your bed were a sleeping bag, and your kitchen were reduced to a large pot hanging over a fire?  This is just the first two hours of your day!
Here's the deal, in a SHTF situation, you can still get a shower, dress in cothing that makes you feel normal, and make a hot, filling, great tasting breakfast.
Everyone attempts to tell you what you should eat for breakfast, and what you should use (tools) to cook it.  I want to tell you to stock pile spices and flavoring.  Sugar, salt, pepper, bay leaves, dried parsley, vinegar, hot sauce, freeze dried onions and garlic.  Be sure to plant yourself some onion and garlic, that way you'll have fresh to use, before the freeze dried.  Also, coffee, coffee, a little chocolate, and coffee.  Oh, and how could I forget coffee (and the filters for making coffee, and straining grey water).
That covers food, since I'm sure you'll read all the other blogs about making preps, and stash away plenty of canned goods, dry food, and water.  Let's talk about that thing that makes us feel human:  the hot shower.  If you have a well, or live near a stream, you'll have plenty of water for this.  Attach a five gallon bucket to a tree, punch holes into the bucket, build a ladder or steps up to the bucket.  Pour water that you've heated over a fire into the tree-attached bucket.  Bam--shower.  Or, an option I like even better because it's great for indoors or out:

Don't forget to put back soap, shampoo, towels, toothbrushes, dental floss (this makes great fishing line, among other things), and tooth paste.  A mirror, and some razors of all types is a great idea, as well (they also have multiple uses).
To punch holes into the bucket, and attach it to the tree, you"ll need hand tools, and hardware.  Don't skimp on these.  You never know when someone may need to borrow (I.e. take home and never bring back) a tool.  Many sites will tell you to follow the rule of three, the item you need, a back up in case it breaks, and a back up for the back up.
House hold cleaners are something else you'll want to stock pile.  Ones you use on a regular basis, as well as ones you don't normally have a need for.  If you have something you'll never use, it may come in handy as a bartering tool.  While stocking cleaners, be sure to stock up on laundry soap and fabric softener. 
(I'm sure it's not high tech in alllll of Mexico...  Hubby is from the Philippines, and he says that "rich" families have washing machines, but "poor" people wash by hand.  I.E. They know what it is, they just choose to use their money for other necessities.  Just wanted to share my thoughts...  Also, I'm not promoting LDS, I'm just a fan of prepping.)

I know you think I'm strange, saying things like "stock up on chocolate and fabric softener..."  but it's the little things that will help with morale.  Maybe you'll only use fabric softener once a month, or after a particularly tough week, but it will help drive you on towards a better, safer life in the new world.

Next week, I'll post more about how to handle our business in the bathroom, when there is no running water/limited water supply.  (No running water means no electricity to run the pumps, which means no flushing.  See how this could get yucky, very quickly?)

Until we all have to deal with some disaster, we'll have the internet.  So, I'm going to share some lighthearted fun with you all:

P.S.--  Isn't M*A*S*H great?  On a P.S. Side note:  I'm a mom, but I can still appreciate this song!

Signing off with a flourishing wave,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Money Saving Cleanser Recipies

This week, I am bringing you ways to save money on cleaning products.

Let's just dive on in with toilet bowl cleaners.  Why does everyone think they have to foam, and smell worse than the stuff they clean up after?  I use regular dish soap mixed with a little baking soda and a little vinegar.  In a pinch, shampoo works.  A little squirt, a swirl with the brush, a flush, and my bowl is shining and white.

This brings me to the other surfaces in the bathroom:  SAME SOLUTION works in the entire room...  for the floor, use the white vinegar diluted with water.

I have yet to find a dish washer soap that doesn't use borax, or a list of items as long as my arm.  However, instead of jet dry, I put a half a tumbler (those small glass) of vinegar in the top rack.  I also don't use thhe heated dry.  (I do use the heated wash.)

For laundry, I make my own soap.  My recipe is good, so I've been told, for HE washers because it doesn't make suds.  At first, my whites were dingy.  After a little playing around with the amount of borax in my soap, I now have whiter whites than the free and clear brand I was buying for four times the price each month.  Here's my magic mix:  1 part borax, 1 part ar and hammer washing soda, 1/2 part baking soda, 2 laundry bars (no dyes, no perfumes), 1&1/2 scoops of oxiclean (we bought the small container for around $3).  You put it all in a blender and mix it like crazy (you'll have to chop the laundry bars, first).

I also make my own shampoo.  2 tablespoons of baking soda, 2 LIBERAL squirts from my small bottle of Dr. Bronners, and warm water all poured into a squirt bottle (add the doctor after the water) and shake.  Don't use on hair you have colored.  I have never had trouble with my bleached hair.    Need a conditioner?  Be sure to use sparinggly, and on top of shampoo, and apple cider vinegar mixed with EVOO works well.  You may need a bit more shampoo to get the oil out, if you have thick hair like me.

Toothpaste:  cocanut oil is a great disinfectant, but it is an oil...  some people use this as a natural tooth paste, mixed with a little baking soda.  I have read rave reviews.

I do use olive oil, cocanut oil, and maalox as a diaper rash cream.  Only problem I have had with it:  you must remember to shake it very well.

Well, there it is, folks...  how I save money on cleaners (and a few personal care items).  Maybe, you'll be able to squirl away a bit to help with your preps.

Next week:  You Never Miss a Real Good Thing...  be sure and stock up on these things (other than the obvious food items).

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Finding Money for Prepps

I think I can predict how the economy will tilt, no matter who sits in the big chair, for the first year of the next presidential term.  It's gonna stink!  Sure, it's bad now, but it'll only get worse.

Now is really the time to be doing something about it; setting up one's own safety net, so to speak.  Now is the time to buy non parishables in bulk, put back cash for the parishables and fuel/electricity, and stock up on water.  Get yourselves a few solar lights from the home and garden area of your favorite store (they are generally around $10 for a set of 6), some candels, a few lighters (I'm always misplacing one)...  I'm not telling you to stock up on a year's worth of flour or rice (that wouldn't be a bad idea, however), or to but a fifty gal. rain barrel in your back yard (again, not a bad idea), but I am telling you that we need to prepair.

Here are a few changes your household may be able to make, in order to have a little extra for your preps:
  1. Switch to cloth:  Napkins, Baby Wipes, Diapers, Femenine Products.  I know what you're thinking, eew, right?  But that's what laundry soap is for.
  2. Let the Sun Shine In:  If you're not reading, or sewing, or doing something else detailed, open the blinds.  In the winter, this may also help lower the heating bill, if you get yourself some good weather stripping.
  3. Hang around the house:  Do your laundry before you're out of clean underwear, and you can hang it on the shower curtain rod, in the laundry room, on the back porch...  maybe you can set up a clothes line in your back yard.  This will save on your energy expenses in two ways a) less power to run the dryer, b) less power to maintain a comfortable temp. in the home due to the heat from the dryer.
  4. Go Out to Your Living Room:  For the price of six movie tickets, you and your family can pay a monthly bill for both internet and NetFlix, and you'll be able to stream movies every night of the week, as well as get one disc at the time. (How do I know?  I subscribe.)  Plus, the pop corn isn't over priced, and you won't have to step in anyone else's gum (personal experience, bad first date).
  5. Try to schedule appointments and errands on the same day.  You'll use less gas if you can get it all done in one day.  Another good idea for this is to try to work your way around town in a counter clock wise fashion (less time waiting at stop lights, due to more right turns on red).
  6. Use your Talents:  Do you know how to make or mend clothing, cook gormet meals, or repair furniture?  Do it yourself, instead of hiring someone else to do it.  Another bonus, if you know how to do something, and someone else needs it done, you could always be the one they hire for the job.
Our family is fortunate enough to be able to make ends meet (most of the time) with only my husband's income.  If we even tried making it with me working, he'd have to shell out money for my gas, because my entire check would go toward day care for our two children.  So, before anyone tries to say I'm lazy, the fact is we're better off this way.  In the past, things have been better financially, yet worse personally.  Things have also been worse in the finance department, at one point.  So, all in all I'd say we're doing really well, these days.  No, we don't have eighty friends who come over on the weekends for extravagant diner parties, but we did have a birthday party for our two year old on Sunday.  Kids' parties are easy due to the simple menu planning and the fact that there's no need for the fine china.  In the old days, I threw cook outs that cost more than $200, so this is a really good change.  I feel less stressed, and more blessed!

Next Monday, I'll post on money saving recipes for cleaning products.  I've found that making my own means I save money, and I rarely have to run out for that one must have product right before company comes over...  since I generally have the ingredients stocked, because they are multi purposed.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Takin' Care of Business Thursday: Motivating Myself

There was a time in my life, not all that long ago, when I felt I had it all together--in certain areas, any way.  These days, I don't quite feel that way...  Okay, these days, I feel as if it's all caving in on my head.
I could sit around, shouting at the ceiling "Why?  What did I ever do to deserve this?!"  However, I know why.  I know what is my issue.  Now, it is time to get the lead out of my bum, and get a move on with things.  I'm tired of feeling as if I don't have things straight, anymore!
So, here are my issues:
  • My children actually walk all over me...  and my husband.  And my mother.  And, well, everyone!  Why?  How about we start with the 'why not'?  When I had Jr., I became the disciplinarian of my house hold (eventually, once he needed one).  I never had to raise my voice, and nearly never dealt out a spanking, or threatened to deal out a spanking.  I could thwart his undesirable behavior with only a look, and the occasional calm word.  Then, one day, I found myself a tired single mom, with a baby-daddy who was around just enough for me to think it safe to let my guard down a bit, and baby number two.   (As you all know, some things have changed...) I didn't just let my guard slip a little, I totally threw it out the window.  Flash forward to present day, when no amount of yelling or threatening to spank them will get my boys to listen; where it takes multiple spankings (little pops on a diaper or the leg, nothing that leaves a mark or really hurts) just to get them to act as if I've said something.  I seriously need to get back to the way things were.
How will I do this, you may ask.  Well, simple.  I'm going to spend more time with my children.  You know, more hugs, and inside jokes, and secret hand shakes.  More "secrets," and more patience.  More quiet, "look at me when I'm talking to you, son."  More, "Look in my eyes, and tell me if you understand what I've just said."  A lot more, "You have a choice.  You may clean up this mess, and then go outside, or I'll make sure you clean up the mess, and you won't get to go outside."

My OTHER problem is that my house work has gotten out of hand.  I'm just not motivated, these days.  Of course, part of my motivational issues may stem from feeling like a door mat for my children.  Notice I said part, not all of the issues.  The rest is just that I feel as if I'm in a rut (which, I kinda am), and I'm having a little trouble pulling myself out of it all.

It's okay, because I'm slowly getting myself to take action.  Baby steps will work, until I get going down hill.  Once I get a few things completed, or get on a time crunch (I've invited people over for Father's Day on purpose...  Now, I have to get my house work done, and I've a deadline), I'll whip into action and pull myself up by the boot straps.  Then, it should be fairly easy to stay on top of it all (until I get sick again, or we have another family crisis/mini-family crisis).
Yep, I'm going to be alright.  I'm going to conquer my demons, and then move on to the next ones that need conquering. Why?  Because I'm amazing like that!
Now for the rant portion of my post:
So, I hate that we pay for health insurance that doesn't cover squat!  Every year, since I was nineteen years old, I've gotten Tonsillitis/Strep Throat/bronchitis anywhere from twice to five times.  And some of those times, I didn't have insurance.  So, now I've accumulated hospital bills that I've got to pay some time before I kick the bucket.  Also, I've scared tonsils, and have been informed "wow, those [my tonsils] need to come out!" by three doctors in the last six months.  However, the insurance is holding me responsible for 30% of the bill, along with $500...  Which means I've got to pay a thousand bucks to get the tonsils out.  I just want to know, what the hell are we paying $516/month for?  A little plastic card that says Aetna on it gets us in the door, but only if we don't need anything more than a doctor's appointment.  What's the deal?
Also, they didn't cover my MRI (which proved I do, indeed, have a slipped disc), and will not cover the dental work that I need done.  What DOES that stupid insurance cover?  I mean, if I were healthy, I wouldn't need it, but it would pay for as many "just check ups" as I wanted.  Let there be a real medical reason that I need coverage, and I have to pay a butt load of money out-of-pocket.
On top of all that, I can't get coverage with BCBS because I'm 17 lbs over their "limit."  They won't write a policy on me.  So, let me get this straight, I've one company that (probably) won't cover for me to see a dietitian who can help me get healthy, and there's another one that won't cover me at all because I need to see a dietitian.  WHAT THE Foul-word?!!
Well, I've gotten a lot done in this post!  I mentally motivated myself, and left evidence of that motivation so that I can do it all again (read it, feel motivated) any time I need a boost.  I got a rant that's been bothering me for months, off my chest.  And now, I'm going to get t' gettin'!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Nothin' says Lovin', like Prozac in my Oven!

Welcome to Weird Wednesday!

My husband wins the bread and brings home the bacon, but I am the grocery shopper for our household...  We take turns cooking.  As the gatherer for our small tribe, I find myself gravitating toward chicken, as opposed to other sources of meat (Pork is fatty and causes high blood pressure, and Beef...  well, Mad Cow, anyone?)  On occasion, I'll treat the family to cuts of meat, but chicken and fish are our go to for nearly every evening meal.  I am sure that a  lot of you are the same way.  After all, Chicken costs the least, and it is the most filling...  and everything "tastes like chicken," so why not just buy chicken?

However, NYT recently ran an article about the wonderful things they feed those chickens that we all eat...  Arsnic, Benadryl, Illegal Antibiotics, Tylenol, Prozac, Coffee Pulp...  No Wonder we're all getting cancer or dying from H1N1!  (the illegal antibiotics they feed the chickens are out-laws because they are notorious for causing Antibiotic resistant infections.)

Wait a minute!  Didn't I just say the reason I chose chicken was because I was trying to avoid wacky illnesses for which there is not cure?

I am soooooo going organic, from here on out!  You know, cage free/free range/no pesticides....  All those words that mean my chicken will be a bit smaller for the same price.  Why stop at chicken, when I don't know what their putting on/in anything else?  I think I am a new Organic Convert!

Now, if I could just figure out where to get water that's truly fluoride free....  (I mean, how sure are we, really?)

Governmental Food Conspiracies not enough for you?  How about this Creepy picture.

Quite a while back, I down loaded this picture and used it for an old blog of mine.  While searching for something interesting for Weird Wednesday, I got distracted by the pics. I've up loaded from my phone, and began perusing my own pictures.  In doing so, noticed something that's not quite right with this picture...  Creepy, even.
original image provided by

And so, I present you, my readers, with the challenge:  be the first to notice the "weird/Creep Out" factor.  (*shivers...  looks away*)

For today, that will be all, I suppose.  However, stay tuned tomorrow for YouTube Thrusday!

Insanely Your's,

Monday, April 9, 2012

Music Monday: Jason Yang

Last week Music Monday brought you hip hop with a bit of politics on the side.  Now, I bring you classical music with a bite...  or would it be rock (or one of its sub genres) with a little class?  On any account, let the ear candy begin!!!

For my Game of Thrones fans, I thought I'd put this vid. first.  Hope ya' like it

A little driving music, for those who liked the hip hop feel of last week's post.

Audio Substitute for my video game addicted friends

For those who like acoustic songs:

And my fav. of all:

May your next few days be filled with music and moon light...

P.S.--  Stay tuned for To-Do Tuesday, Tomorrow...  12:01 AM is when the post will show up.

ALSO!!!  for More Jason Yang, check out

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Taking a stand against the depressed stance

Soulful Sunday

~This is my “depressed stance”.  When you’re depressed, it makes a lot of difference how you stand.  The worst thing you can do is straighten up and hold your head high because then you’ll start to feel better.  If you’re going to get any joy out of being depressed, you’ve go to stand like this.   – Charlie Brown~

Since leaving my job of nearly three years, and becoming a stay at home wife and mother again, I've used only one full tank of gas, and it's been three months.  I've not left the house for anything that wasn't dire.  There has been the rare occasion when I've gotten out for Church or for a family get together that only lasted a few short hours, but each time I opted to ride with my mother or my husband.

I've not been out to the library (Lord knows I need to go there, with this cash of over due books I've got), the book store, the park...  I've not gotten coffee or spent an evening with the girls...

The longer I spend in the house with only the kids and my husband, and Mom who stops in every couple of days (Susie visits a couple times a week, also), the more I want to board up the windows and close out the rest of the world for good.  I've been perfectly happy to give my husband a short list of groceries that we need, and allow him to get them on his way home from work.

My point is:  I think I'm slightly depressed.  The last few days have been difficult on me, since my back would barely allow me to get out of bed to tend to my bowels, because I've not been able to get caught up on my house work.  The feeling of 'why bother' has dripped into the rest of my health, as well.  I don't get out and exercise, and I've just stopped taking my Metformin (before I could ever get it started up).  My doctor has retired, and he didn't even let me know (I had been in his office in February, and two wks. later I called to see why they had canx. my appointment but the answering service said he'd retired).

See that up there? /\  That is my "Oh, why me?!!" moment.  It's the same one I've been having since mid February.  After a month and a half, I'm ready to stop having a pitty party for myself.  It takes away from my time and energy, so that I've nothing left for my kids, husband, home, or self...  There isn't even anything left for God.

You can do this with me.  I'm deciding that I'm not going to allow myself to feel depressed any more.  Spring is here, I've two beautiful children, a husband who loves me, a God who hasn't forgotten me, and a home that I can turn into a sanctuary.  I've the capability to get out and get some exercise, which is what I'm going to start doing (maybe a little walking will help with my back problems).

I'm going to organize my home, be nicer to my husband, and pay better attention to my children.  (The saying "If Mamma ain't happy, no body's happy," really is true.)

I'm going to do all this, and start feeling better about me.  And I'm doing it all because I've DECIDED to. I'm not waiting for the feeling to just come!  I've been doing that, and the only thing I've been feeling is worse.  Now, it's time to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Let's Do This,

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hereby reserving Saturday as a Grab Bag day...

I am hereby reserving Saturdays as my grab bag day...  A day when I may post anything on any topic...

Today, I'd like to ask my readers what they think?  What would you all like to see more?  More music, more weird news?  What do you think of Horror Movie Fridays (my fav. by far)?

Also, I'd like to introduce myself to those of you who don't know me.

I'm a stay at home mother of two lively boys, and a wife to a pretty quiet SecretAsian man who specializes in computers and home science experiments, while he holds down a job in a local factory.

I have a close relationship with my mother; love to talk and read.  I'm an aspiring writer (today is not a good day to ask about my work in progress), and I love music, movies, and all things youtube (as I'm sure you've all figured out, by now).

Your turn.  How about some of you introducing yourself to me?  What types of things do you enjoy?  What do you hate?  Can you do any weird human tricks?

Comment, comment, comment!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fifth floor... Women's apparel, b-movies, severed heads, and evil elevators.

Nothing says Fear Fridays like a good ol' horror movie.  Except a B-Horror.
This week's movie is originally titled Farstuhl des Grauens (a.k.a. The Lift, a.k.a. The Elevator), filmed in the Netherlands, the movie is in Dutch.  The only version at my disposal (in other words, free) is on Youtube.  It's dubbed in English, which adds to the hilarity of the script.  The writing of this movie is so funny it's frightening.

"Take the stairs... take the stairs... for God's sake, take the stairs... "

I would like to say, however, that there's a mother in this movie who is more frightening than the elevator, and I found myself hoping she'd get trapped/killed.

Have you all seen any interesting B-Movies lately?  Any good horrors?  I'd love to hear about them, and will probably watch any I can get a hold of.  So, leave some titles in the comments!!!

Going Up,

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Would you like Fry with that House?

Today is YouTube Thursday, and in honor of the filming of the last episode of House, I'd like to post A Bit of Fry and Laurie...  Well, probably a little more than a bit.

"Peanuts?  Plums?..."
"Oh, it's very easy to knock, isn't it?  You with your snide university ways...  Or wherever it was that you went."

"You can't say that, it's jiberish!!!"

And now, in closing:
"I don't give a flying toss....."

I Did Go To Winchester,

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

After a long day at the office, some men want their wives to meet them at the door with their slippers...

And now, my dear [In]Sane readers, I bring you Weird Wednesday.  Yes, it's that time, folks, to be presented with some pretty weird shtuff.

This being my first week back, after an unplanned break from Blogger, I decided to post this particular picture...  No matter where you go, no matter what you do, your best friend will always love you...

Has Man's Actual best friend been found?

She sits, she stays, she fetches a beer from the fridge without getting saliva on it (because she's got thumbs)!
I, personally, am totally against this type of breeding.  It's unusual and cruel...  Or, perhaps, this is what we end up with when people are a bit too friendly with their pets?  OR, maybe the next time one of your guy friends says his ex-girlfriend is a dog, you'll believe him, instead waiting for him to pull this picture from a shoe box in the closet.

Okay, that's enough making fun of the stronger sex!  Perhaps next week I'll make fun of the weaker one.

Until Next Weird Wednesday...

Shake?...C'mon, shake Girl,

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Shortly after getting my taxes back, I purchased the necessary items needed to make a blanket for each of my sons (didn't have any sewing supplies, so I got those, as well).  Their blankets will match, but I'll also be making an assortment of small pillows (BabyJ loves to cuddle, and Jr. really likes sleeping on pillows) that will match their reversible blankets.

Here are pics. of what I've gotten done, thus far.

Also, I am bouncing around a few ideas in my head.  My brother-in-law is building a sun room onto his house.  I asked for a few of the larger scrap pieces from the screens he made for the large windows.  I've got three strips, and I'm trying to figure out the best crafty thing I can think of, to do with them.  I've been thinking:  use them for something like cross stitching?  I've found some designs for Christmas Ornaments (cross stitching involved) that I think I'll use.

I'm still trying to decide, however, if that's what I really want to do with them...  We shall see, I suppose, once the blankets and pillows are finished.

See You Next Tuesday,

Monday, April 2, 2012

First Music Monday post in quite a while?.. Watsky up to, these days?

It's Music Monday, April 2, 2012, People!!!  That's right, it's time for me to introduce you to some of the stuff I spend my time listening to.
"01010110!  01010110.  01010110!  01010110.  0101"  This is a quote from Watsly's Love Poem.  He reminds me of my nerdy friends that I play D&D with.  He's down to earth, but he's far out (excuse the hippy speak).  Seriously, this guy is someone to watch.  I only wish I'd discovered him sooner, under this rock which I reside.
Yes, he may have a vast vocabulary, and wield it with amazing skill, but he's got rhythm, and he's got a message.

Great sense of humor, quick witted, and fast talkin'...  George is a play write, t.v. star, stage actor, rap star, poet sensation.  Most of you know I don't usually get excited about rap, but this--  This smooth talkin' fella can spit some rhymes for me any time.

This is for the politically minded...

Does all his own stuntin'.  No steroids...!  This is the "I got swag" part of "A New Kind of Sexy".  Love it.

Like every musician, I may not always agree with every view point this guy has, but he says it with such style and conviction that it's hard to be mad at him for putting his opinions in my ear.

George, you're amazing!  We'll be watching, and listening...  We Love You (that's from the groupies who are standing at the door, waiting to be let inside)

So, in honor of those groupies, I'll also post this vid.

For more George Watsky related news, you could always check out his site:

In closing, I'll leave you with Dr. Seuss VS Shakespeare...  I so think the bard won, but am interested in your opinions.

Peace Out!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dear Faithful Readers (all two of you),

I'm changing the line up a bit.  Here's what you can expect starting on Monday, April 2, 2012:

Monday:  Musical Mondays
Tuesday:  To-Do Tuesdays
Wednesday:  Weird Wednesdays
Thursday:  'Tube Thursdays (as in, You Tube)
Friday:  Frightful Fridays
Saturday:  Family Day Saturday
Sunday:  Soulful Sunday

Yep, that's that.  Just wanted to give you guys a heads up.