Friday, April 6, 2012

Fifth floor... Women's apparel, b-movies, severed heads, and evil elevators.

Nothing says Fear Fridays like a good ol' horror movie.  Except a B-Horror.
This week's movie is originally titled Farstuhl des Grauens (a.k.a. The Lift, a.k.a. The Elevator), filmed in the Netherlands, the movie is in Dutch.  The only version at my disposal (in other words, free) is on Youtube.  It's dubbed in English, which adds to the hilarity of the script.  The writing of this movie is so funny it's frightening.

"Take the stairs... take the stairs... for God's sake, take the stairs... "

I would like to say, however, that there's a mother in this movie who is more frightening than the elevator, and I found myself hoping she'd get trapped/killed.

Have you all seen any interesting B-Movies lately?  Any good horrors?  I'd love to hear about them, and will probably watch any I can get a hold of.  So, leave some titles in the comments!!!

Going Up,


  1. Don't think the absence of comments is the absence of criticism. Just because people don't take the time to tell you how much you suck, doesn't mean you don't suck.

  2. I appreciate the fact that you felt the need to comment...

    The absence of comments is not an absence of criticism, nor is the presence of comments a true presence of criticism... It is merely a shout out, stating that you've viewed my blog... Awesome! Now I have THREE readers!

    Keep those comments coming, people!
