Wednesday, November 2, 2011

For TO DO TUESDAY, I cleaned my house.  I know, that doesn't seem like much in theory, but it has been a month or so since I did much to the place.  So, yeah, it was a feat for me.  Jr. was a big help!  BabyJ was helping the best way he knew how ("hey, mommy's putting things in this box/bag/room...  Lets take things back out!!!")  So, here it is....

Some of my real life friends haven't seen my new place yet.  I guess this is the next best thing.

enjoy my pics of a clean house.  I know I do!  (pats self on the back)

ALSO, my trusty spray bottle of vinegar made an appearance in the photos.  If you can spot which one, and where, you'll get a prize.  Post answers in the comments.  First person to get it right wins.

Pillow cases were in the wash.  I will happily take bedding donations, if anyone has old sheets/pillow cases/comforters/blankets they want to get rid of.  Oh, and curtains!  Hah...

There's the futon I just had to have.  Actually, it's pretty comfy when one is looking to sleep.  It's the sitting that's not the greatest.  Don't get me wrong, I love it!  I just wish I had more pillows to put behind my back. Again, accepting donations.  LOL  If you only knew the amount of toys and such that had to be waded through just to get through the front door, before I cleaned this place!  I rock, just for getting it straight!  Shera had to have been a SAHM, if she was that awsome.

My sis-in-law gave me the rug.  It was supposed to be for the living room, but the boys make such a mess in the din. area, I feel it's better here.  This way, I can take the rug outside, scrub it, and bring it back.  Saves on shampooing the entire room.

Why would they put the stove here?  I have yet to figure that out, but it needs a special socket on the wall, so I can't move it/turn it 90 degrees, like I'd like to, because the chord is too short.  Plus, the hood is mounted there.  Aaahwell, it's not so bad.  The kitchen is quickly becoming my favorite room.  Well, if not the favorite, then the one I spend 70 percent of my time in.  Hey, look!  I mopped the floor!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Please forgive my not posting, tonight, my dear public. Been a long day and I really just want to climb into bed and hug my pillow. Fell asleep at the start of my movie, so I'll pick a better one, and post on it tomorrow. We'll call it Fear Friday. Until then, Victoria

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ladies and gents, it's now time for what I hope will become a normal weekly instalment, since the internet is FULL of weird things/people/events...

First off, I'd like to kick this off with a little article about a guy who took a dare from people who were apparently not really his buds...

Then, there are the weird laws in this great country.  I don't profess to know if these are actually still laws, only that they are on the books.
Weird Laws
It's against the law, in Arizona, to refuse someone a glass of water.
Connecticut says it's illegal to ride a bicycle more than 65 mph, and will ticket you if you're cought
In Florida it's not legal to shower Naked
Chickens are not legally permitted to cross the road in Quitman, GA
In New Orleans, it's not legal for a woman to drive a car unless her husband's in front of it waving a flag.  (NOT a bad rule!)
If you don't want to be arrested, don't fish for whales in Ohio, on Sunday
Don't whistle under water in Oregon
Houston Texas says it's illegal to milk someone else's cow, or sell your own eye
A Utah law states that a husband is responsible for every criminal act committed by his wife while he is present (if she murders him, is he charged with suicide?)
In Virginia it's a class 4 misdemener to have sex outside of marriage
In Washington, you can't buy a television, meat, or a mattress on Sunday....  uhm, what were THEY doin'?
It's Illegal to tickle women in Wyoming


And finally, the BEST part of Weird Wednesdays:  WEIRD AL!!!!!
You're welcome, Tommy.  :D 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Who has heard of NaNoWriMo?

National Novel Writing Month.  It's a month long challenge where the one and only goal is to write fifty thousand words.  As long as it's not the same word fifty thousand times.  I am nervous, because it takes place in November every year, and I'm gearing up for it...  Well, kinda.  I'm excited, and worried I won't meet the cut off.

I've signed up on the OLL webside, and am just awaiting the first of Nov...  On pins and needles...  Pray for me, I fear it may drive me insane.  LOL

Oh, for those of you who tuned in for a before and after project, I'd like to say how sorry I am that I didn't get it finished.  I had to take BabyJ to the doctor, due to a weird rash.  Turns out it's just an allergy.  Perhaps I'll post the project later this week.

I plan to get my house set, this week, for NaNoWriMo.  That includes my office, which is just a pile of boxes, papers, and other misc. STUFF all over the place.  So, I should end up w/ some pretty good Before/After pics for next Tuesday.

Stay tuned for Weird Wednesday!


Monday, October 24, 2011

YouTube Movie Monday: Sarcastic Halloween Comedy

It's YouTube Movie Mondaaaays!!!!!!
     Since it's the end of October, I decided to make today's theme Halloween.  Here it is, folks, for your enjoyment...

This particular video, though not A-MA-ZING, still has a great deal of wow factor.  I once had a Chorus teacher who said, "The best way to know if someone can sing is to hear them acapella."  Well, I agree, and LOVE acapella groups.  Even mediocre ones.  I sure hope you enjoy this one.

What better way to spend a Saturday, or any day, than to sing in your closet?  I got this video from The Closet Singer (  He's creative, and has a unique sense of humor.  Plus, Shop of Horror lines right up with my Halloween theme.  It's not quite how they did it in the movie, but who cares?  I like it!

Three Words:  Naked.  Puzzle.  Room.  Why didn't I think of that?  I gotta build me one!

I know, I know...  You already saw this clip.  Now, watch it alone (w/o the other videos attached).  This is how I plan to spend my Halloween!  Wanna come over?  I've got some extra lawn chairs in the basement, just in case company wants to drop by.  (disclaimer:  I don't really have a basement, and I was sooo being sarcastic.)

If You're reading this, still, THANKS!  :D

Stay Tuned for the Before and After Tuesday Project.  It'll be complete with pan-o-rama pics and (hopefully) a sneak peak into my home.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Shall we try again?

Well, folks...  I suppose I'll give this another shot.

With NaNoWriMo just on the horizon, I've decided to try writing daily on my blog, once again.  If I figure out how to post pictures and video, I'll do so.  If not, I'll just post some links for anyone who may be interested in viewing my sources.  :D

Friday, August 19, 2011

First Family Friday Entry

For my first Family Friday Entry, I wanted to post pictures of my family at the small get together we had for my younger brother's 26th Birthday.  Alas, I am having trouble figuring out how to do that with Blogger.  I may end up moving this thing to another forum, if I keep having such issues (I'm quite sure it is me, and not Blogger, but I've gotta find something I can work with).

I have multiple pictures of the event, which took place on Sunday, August 14, 2011 .  Those in attendance were my brother D., his long time gf J., their daughter Tinkerbell, my two sons Jr. and BabyJ, My mother and Me.

D. was not feeling well--a cold?  some kind of sinus related illness--so they didn't stay long after the cake was cut.

Speaking of the cake, mom made one from scratch.  It was deeeelicious!  D.'s fav. kind of cake:  yellow cake, white icing.  There were sprinkles and blue icing as well.  D has gotten so old, that we no longer have enough candles for his cake!!!

Sis-In-Law J. has lost weight, and I envy her!  Jr. and Tinkerbell played, and BabyJ let everyone know just how tired he was.

They took home nearly half the cake, and Mom sent me home w/ half of what was left.  We (the kids and I) went to Sr.'s work that night, armed w/ Krystal burgers and a slice of cake for both him and the one other guy who was working w/ him (slow night).  It was nice for all of us, getting to see Daddy at a time when we normally would just end up missing him.

And that's my post, I suppose.  

Here's a music vid. for you all.  When I think family, I think of my children.  In doing so, I think of the importance of Jesus in their lives.  So, yeah, it's a good video.


This post was brought to you by Blogger, YouTube, and Family.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Horror Thursday First Instalment: The Nigt of the Living Dead

Horror Thursday, the first entry in my new blog.  I decided that it would be the best first day to make an entry, since I think of myself as a horror movie lover.  While trying to plan for today's entry, I first tried to think of the best movie to write about.  For the life of me, I couldn't think of a movie that didn't strike me as much too lame to start a new blog with.  I've seen the stereotypical version of almost every type of horror, but they all seemed so lacking.Feeling uninspired and quite discouraged, I logged on and searched for horror blogs.  Some of them had artwork that was more frigtening than their content, or the movies they discussed.  Some disected their movies, some simply showed clips with statements from the author touting the directors' horns.  One of the things they all had in common (the good ones, anyway) was the mention of a movie called The Thing.I watched this movie (the remake w/ Kurt Russel), expecting a great fright that would give me nightmares!  What I got was much less. What I got was a scifi attempting to send a chill through me, that mearly grossed me out. This is not to say it was a bad movie.  I was quite impressed!  Yet, it wasn't a horror.That brings me to the number one mentioned horror movie on the internet, in my opinion.  I decided to make this my first horror entry because I new I'd do it eventually...  may as well get it out of the way right off the bat.  I watched Night of the Living Dead for this entry.  I understand it to be one of the first zombie movies.  More realistic than the zombie movies of my time, Night, has a smaller group of people, and slower moving zombies.  It is shot in black and white, so the gorrier scenes aren't so bloody looking. (The zombies had a BBQ!)  In no way does that effect the fact that it's some scarry shtuff!  Also, the score...  It's zombie-licious!  If there has ever existed a movie score I've wanted to own, this makes the top five.  Night of the Living Dead  gets 5 out of 5 stars.  You should watch it.  Then, watch it with your grandmother, your dog, let your goldfish watch it; set up a neighborhood screening!       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<Watch the old ads for it here!

I ate this movie up!...  Yes, I did have nightmares.  How awsome is that?!

For all things zombie, check out
Until next Thursday, my little horror fans,

This entry brought to you by:  NetFlix, Blogspot, John Carpenter, George A. Romero, and   and

Friday, August 12, 2011

Space Saver

This is where I will post text/pics/video posts.  Coming soon:  A different subject for each day of the week.  For the next month, here is a line up (tentative) of the things you'll be reading about:

Monday:  TBD (Something you'd like to read about/subject matter you'd like to see explored on this blog?  Write in!)
Tuesday:  Projects-Before/After (vague?  Yes.  Tune in to see how many ways this headding can be twisted.)
Wednesday:  Weird But True (I'll start this one off, but it will be a write in-hopefully-once the blog gets rolling.)
Thursday:  Tribute to Horror Movies (I've got lots of ideas for this, from top ten lists, to scenes, to actors...  I also accept write in ideas!)
Friday:  What would an average week be w/o a day spent for/about/with the family?  Here, I'm posting updates that family and friends, and (if I get any) fans might be interested in.
Saturday:  Songs on Saturday.  This is where I introduce you to music I like/hate/have just discovered.  I've got a friend whose brain/hard drive I hope to raid (you know who you are) for the initial content on these days
Sunday:  This day is reserved for positive statements, Biblical Truths/Studies, and (possibly) journal entries

SO, as you can all see, the blog will be buzzin' with new ORIGINAL topics for you to feast on every day.  I'm going to start with Thursday, August 18, 2011.  Check back in after 5pm EST for my first Horror Installment.  It's gonna be frightening!