Monday, January 14, 2013

Caballeros UnPlugged

     Well, today hasn't gone anything like I'd planned it!  That is not a bad thing.  Though I've still got a lot to do this week, I've accomplished a great deal today.
     I started off not wanting to get up at 5AM.  Who does?  So, I lay in bed awake (couldn't go back to sleep) until 7, at which time BabyJ came in asking for chips.  I figure it's time for breakfast.  I find Jr. In front of the living room television.  It's Diego, so I let it slide with a "After breakfast, no more t.v. for anyone.  Remember what we talked about?"
     I wake the MacGyverAsawa for breakfast.  Wouldn't you know it, he lays in bed until I am starting lunch, watching Netflix on his phone!  When I start cleaning breakfast up, I think potty break, then catch my breath.  By the time my hands are washed, my mind is spinning on the chance to get to the library.  Instead of a MommyMinute, I start packing lunch for three people and a diaper bag.  I'm so excited, I could sing!  In the nursery, I am putting the wipes in the diaper bag when Jr. Runs in, "Mommy, somebody's here!"  I do not believe him.  I question him on it, and he continues to tell me he saw someone in our driveway.  I work my way to the front door, still not believing there's anyone here...  it was my niece and her Mommy.
     Tinkerbell had a fever of 101 this morning, and the pre-school won't let her come.  Her mommy has work.  So, I agree to watch her, and tell her about my plans to walk three miles to the library.  This.  Does not.  Make her happy.  I say she can ride in the double stroller.  She still does not like it.  I reluctantly say I'll change my plans, we can always go tomorrow.  Oh, but the school won't let her come back until Wednesday.  Great. says it may rain Wednesday, and it's almost certain to rain (and get 20 degrees colder) Thursday and Friday.  Sigh.  Okay.
     First thing I do is feed Tinkerbell, and tell her that Mommy won't let us go to the library (she was sad we couldn't go, and complaining in the way I wanted to).  I send everyone outside, and take the apples out of the lunch box, and open blinds and windows.
     I take wet laundry from the washer, and go outside.  The dog loves that we're all outside with him!  I hang the wet clothes, fold the dry ones, and come inside to put them away.  I do a little kitchen/dinrm. Clean up, getting interrupted by this child or that.  Someone isn't sharing, someone threw dirt.  I lose my cool and threaten to put them all in bed (at ten in the morning).  They straighten up just in time for me to cook lunch (decided against the deer meat, and for chicken, last night).  By 11:45, we are all at the picnic table in the back yard.  Fried chicken, griddle cake (flower, egg, water, milk left over from coating the chicken), and mashed 'taters.
     The kids all help clean off the table.  Tinkerbell trips over the dog tether, and my very favorite glass gets broken (she is not cut, but her pride is bruised).  Hugs, kisses, everyone stay outside away from the glass.  I put away lunch left overs, and sweep both dinrm. And the kitchen (may as well, since the broom is in my hand).  Hang another load of laundry, and fold/put away those that are dry.  Get the wild eyed idea to rearrange my dining room/pantry area (it's just a stand alone wire shelf). Realize it's nap time.  Kids want to camp out, so I lay sleeping bags out on the porch, and decide it's time for a MommyMinute.  I get them settled, and start to read Water for Elephants.  Tinkerbell's Mommy must have felt the need to make sure I didn't take that three mile hike with her baby, after all, because she showed up with snacks for the kids.  LOL  Well, maybe she just didn't want to have her lunch alone, either.  (I wouldn't take someone else's child some place they didn't want their baby to go, because I wouldn't want them to do the same to me.)  We had a great visit, then she went back to work.
     I swapped laundry again, and rearranged my dining room, when the kids' nap time was over.  (No one slept.  They were up and running around 2:30.  I put down the book just before 3.)
I delt with another wet load, and put away the dry ones. Then, I sat down to rest (I was running out of steam) for about an hour. Then it was time to reheat left overs for din. Tinkerbell's Mommy picked her up, the boys got a bath, ate, and whent to bed. I brushed my messy hair, showered, and now I'm posting this update. Today, we didn't use lights (until after dark), the boys used less water in their bath, and I took a 5 min. Shower (pretty quick, seeing as I washed my mass of hair), and am rewarding myself, in a few minutes, with a movie from Netflix. In a real SHTF situation, I would have dried my clothes indoors, and the kids would have played inside (wouldn't want to tell looters we're home, and we've got food). In a homesteading situation, we would really rather have solar lights (for after dark), and our own well. But, we make do with what we have. Since we have electricity, and can't afford the $180/panel price tag on the solar panels (just panels, no battaries to hold what those pannels collect) right now, we're tethered to the grid. Our dream: get land w/ a well (a good one) already drilled, set up an off grid cabin, plant crops for our family (maybe grow enough to sell), and keep stock (chickens for meat and eggs, ducks for meat, goats for milk and cheese, pigs for meat, sheep for wool). Yeppers! Oh, about the clothes we wore today: I will be washing them by hand in the morning. I'm too danged tuckered to do it, tonight! V. P.S.-- Sorry about the lack of music video. I will make it up to you tomorrow. Or, you could search YouTube for the one I want to post (my phone won't let me... yes, I typed this entire thing on my phone). It's called Does Anybody Care About Us and it's by The King Blues. It's so nice... *grin* --Vic.

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