Wednesday, November 2, 2011

For TO DO TUESDAY, I cleaned my house.  I know, that doesn't seem like much in theory, but it has been a month or so since I did much to the place.  So, yeah, it was a feat for me.  Jr. was a big help!  BabyJ was helping the best way he knew how ("hey, mommy's putting things in this box/bag/room...  Lets take things back out!!!")  So, here it is....

Some of my real life friends haven't seen my new place yet.  I guess this is the next best thing.

enjoy my pics of a clean house.  I know I do!  (pats self on the back)

ALSO, my trusty spray bottle of vinegar made an appearance in the photos.  If you can spot which one, and where, you'll get a prize.  Post answers in the comments.  First person to get it right wins.

Pillow cases were in the wash.  I will happily take bedding donations, if anyone has old sheets/pillow cases/comforters/blankets they want to get rid of.  Oh, and curtains!  Hah...

There's the futon I just had to have.  Actually, it's pretty comfy when one is looking to sleep.  It's the sitting that's not the greatest.  Don't get me wrong, I love it!  I just wish I had more pillows to put behind my back. Again, accepting donations.  LOL  If you only knew the amount of toys and such that had to be waded through just to get through the front door, before I cleaned this place!  I rock, just for getting it straight!  Shera had to have been a SAHM, if she was that awsome.

My sis-in-law gave me the rug.  It was supposed to be for the living room, but the boys make such a mess in the din. area, I feel it's better here.  This way, I can take the rug outside, scrub it, and bring it back.  Saves on shampooing the entire room.

Why would they put the stove here?  I have yet to figure that out, but it needs a special socket on the wall, so I can't move it/turn it 90 degrees, like I'd like to, because the chord is too short.  Plus, the hood is mounted there.  Aaahwell, it's not so bad.  The kitchen is quickly becoming my favorite room.  Well, if not the favorite, then the one I spend 70 percent of my time in.  Hey, look!  I mopped the floor!!!